Thursday 23 October 2014

Studio Back of Heads Work Diary


Ever since I started taking pictures in the studio for 'form', one of the formal elements commonly used in photography, I've taken a liking to being in the studio, due to the fact that I can control the lighting and colours within the photograph, rather than trying to find them in natural circumstances. Being in this room made taking pictures of the back of people's heads rather more interesting, for it was quite fun taking photographs against vibrantly coloured backgrounds, like hot pink or very dark blacks and light whites. The photos below are examples of how taking pictures of the back of people's heads in the studio came out


Unfortunately, I was not able to take all of the photographs that I wanted to take, due to the fact that time simply ran out. I will endeavour to work faster, so I can then proceed to get my work to a more suitable standard. Also, some of my photographs were actually blurry when I uploaded them onto the computer. From this, I can learn that I need to learn to have more steady arms, and make sure to focus the lens before capturing the picture. Here is an example of such a picture, where the photographer was clearly able to keep the camera stable. This photograph was taken by Jessica.

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