Dictionary Definition:
1. The distance from the top or surface to the bottom of something.
2. Depth of field is the distance between the nearest and farthest objects in a scene that appear acceptably sharp in an image.
My Own Definition:
A place or object that presents great distance.
Describing Words:
Blurred, Sharp, Long, Short, Ongoing
Four Annotated Pictures:
I like this picture because from the angle it has been taken from, the piano seems ongoing, and the contrast between blurred and sharp is effective.
This picture is an example of how depth can also show size, as the wooden poles appear to get smaller, when in fact they are just getting further away.
This image shows depth within natural settings, and the fact that the clouds are only on the far side of the photograph makes the picture seem even more effective.
Again, this image shows the contrast between sharp and blurred very well, for as the metal pole gets further away, the focus on it reduces. This is what is meant by as depth.
damn daniel