Monday, 1 December 2014

Studio Contrast 2 Work Diary


I was given advice ever since the last studio contrast shoot as to what could count as contrast and what doesn't count as contrast, so I was lucky that I was given another chance to capture it. For example, in the photograph below, I showed the contrast between the emotions between two of my photography classmates.

Another example of a photograph that I captured the contrast of in the second time of being in the studio was the contrast between male and female. This is evident through the use of showing their full face. I used curves and lines to make the photograph look brighter, due to the fact that it came out slightly dark without editing. The below photograph is the result of this editing:


If I was given yet another chance to take photographs of contrast, I think I would try and change the background and use more of a variety of people. An example of what I could have taken a photograph of is the contrast between the colour of clothing, or the contrast between young and old, or even the contrast between violence and calmness. Here is a photograph taken by George, showing the contrast in colour of clothing, which I would aspire to do if given the chance to do a third shoot of studio contrast.

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