Monday, 1 December 2014

Multiple Imagery Work Diary


Multiple Imagery was perhaps one of the most bizarre shots that I took part in, simply because I wasn't entirely aware of what would be the result of all of the photographs. However, during the eventual editing of the photographs, I realised what it was I was creating, and had a lot more of an idea of what could be made from my photographs. Below is the final image I made, which consists of the many different angles of a tree.


If I were to go out and shoot multiple imagery again, I would definitely have more of an idea of what I would be taking photographs of, and therefore would be able to take a lot more photographs than I had in actuality. I may even take the time to redo it simply because of the lack of variety within my photographs. An example of multiple imagery that I found particularly inspiring was by George, who took a photograph of his hand in various locations. I think this technique is rather clever, and I would try to do something similar if I did the session again.

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